Thursday, August 16, 2012

AGT:8/15 Youtube Results

Well, that was about as painful as you might expect. 

Let’s get right to this thing, since the inbetween bits were annoying and overly long.

First out were Cast in Bronze, Reverse Order, and Academy of Villains.  This episode was so very anti-climactic that they didn’t even bother to drag out the fact that Academy of Villains are through.

We then moved to 7 in Unison, Bria Kelly, and Rudy Cody. I guess the producers thought this one might be a bit more uncertain, and it was dragged out for a while.  But in the end, Bria Kelly made it through, as expected.

Third, we had The Magic of Puck, Eric Buss, and Melinda Hill.  Again, we had a complete lack of suspense, but that didn’t stop the producers from dragging it out as long as humanly possible.  Of course, Puck made it through in the end, to the surprise of absolutely no one.

Finally, we had Clint Carvalho, Drew Erwin, and Romeo Dance Cheetah.  Romeo was sent packing almost immediately, and good riddance.  What an annoying act and person.  He tried to milk his minute of fame, but Nick literally kicked his butt off stage.  With only Clint and Drew left, it was up to the judges.  Howard, after a long and drawn out don’t give up kid speech, gave it to Clint.  And then, so did Sharon, because…animals, maybe?  Whatever the case was that sent Drew packing also borked my shoulds and wills, but I’ll get to that in a bit.

We got a sneak peek at the wildcards, and there were a couple of surprises.  Male soprano guy is back, along with Horse, and the comedy magicians.  Energetic dancer girl will try again along with the dance troop that shall not be named.  I also think I saw the crossbow guy and the dog ventriloquist.  Sebastian and Spencer Horseman also get to try once more. Cristin who fell on his pipes and the gay lounge singer are back, along with one other group that I cannot for the life of me remember.  It should be a decent show next week, with more than four acts that should go on.

Finally, my record for these semis:

My shoulds are at 14/20, while my wills are at 15/20.  I don’t think I have gotten it 100% right in any of the weeks,  but I’m still doing pretty good, I think.

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