Thursday, May 31, 2012

America’s Got Talent: 5/28 & 5/29

This week saw two more hour long episodes, one in Tampa, and one in St. Louis.  There were quite a few acts showcased, so lets get right down to it!

We started in Tampa:

Rainbow Glee: This was an ‘urban’ singing/dancing troupe.  They were pretty good, and had a fun interpretation of “Lean on Me” I think they could make it into the top 40

All male cloggers: Another dance act.  With the huge number of dance acts we’ve seen, these guys didn’t really stand out for me.  I don’t think they’ll get past performing in Vegas

Hula Hoop Artist:  This was a neat act, her control of the hula hoops was pretty incredible.  I think I see her getting cut in the last round before the top 40.
Magic Change: A magician who did the standard change places with his assistant…twice.  It wasn’t terribly impressive on the showmanship or originality side, but Howie really loves him some magicians, so a possible top 40 contender, if the rest of the magician field is weak.

Contemporary Dance Male: ANOTHER dance team.  This one did feel a bit different than the usual, but there are other, stronger dance teams out there.  Perform in Vegas, but no top 40.

Brass Band: A fun one, a group of guys that were let go from an amusement park.  They put on a good show, and are different than a lot of the musical acts.  Top 40 if the judges are feeling generous.

Theme Song Guy: He sang theme songs…decently.  That was his whole act, and it shouldn’t have even made It through to Vegas at all.  I don’t even see him performing in Vegas.

We then moved onto St. Louis, where we met a very excitable guy that tried to take Nick Cannon’s job, and generally was terribly cute, but didn’t get through to Vegas.  But there were several who did:

Annoying 6 year old: This kid had a show biz attitude for days, and the audience adored him.  His actual act was very cutesy, and he got through on adorableness alone.  I don’t see him doing much past performing in Vegas.

Escape Artist: This dude about got smushed by his own contraption, but did manage to pull it out in the end.  This one is a hard one to call, because I don’t know what his other escapes are.  He could be Top 40, he could be done after performing once based on the machine.  I think I’m gonna guess Top 40, though.

Irish Cloggers: They had a cute little girl that stood out as the only dancer in white, but she didn’t really have the moves down yet, so she was hidden through most of the performance.  They were fun to watch, but again: dance crew.  I see them getting cut right before the top 40.

Hip Hop Violin: Didn’t really get a whole lot of the next four acts, but this guy was fun.  Performs in Vegas, and may make the top 40 if the other instrument acts are weak.

Girl Guitarist:  I got nothing.  Probably will perform, but that’s it.

Hip Hop dancer/singer? : I don’t actually know what this guy does.  May not even perform in Vegas.

Dance Crew: Another dance crew, and with so little screen time, I’d have to say perform only.

WGWG: As Vote for the Worst says: White Guy With Guitar.  He didn’t impress, but I’m guessing top 40 because there haven’t been a whole lot of WGWG yet.

Freak Show: They did know how to put on a show, but I don’t’ know where their act goes from there.  I see being cut before the top 40.

And that’s it for this week!  Next week: Canon in CA, I think.

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