Sunday, April 15, 2012

Epic fail, self...epic fail

This week, I did really poorly on my riding. I biked to work twice, and Joe picked me up on the second day, since it was a rainy and gross.

Next week, I shall do better, and hopefully it will include some weekend riding, which I have been slacing HARDCORE on.

Here is my MS150 donation page, help me reach my $700 goal!

Week 4(Apri 8-14) totals:      12 miles
Week 3(April 1-7) totals:       32 miles
Week 2(March 25-31) totals: 18 miles
Week 1(March 18-24) totals: 26 miles

Total Miles:88

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry... That's still 12 more miles than I did last week.
