Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Friday!

Many people know that I am a huge reader.  I even got a Kindle Fire for Christmas that has been fantastic!

I thought I could occasionally review a book or two I’ve read recently, but first, a bit about what I like to read.

I am a huge fan of you young adult genre.  Approximately 90% of the books I read would be considered YA books.  Examples I’ve read recently include The Hunger Games series, Harry Potter, and an various one-offs from many different authors.

 I’m not sure why I am drawn to these so much, though I do know I like the coming-of-age portions a lot more then I like the romance sides, and it seems a vast chunk of the non-YA books I find are romance, or have a romantic relationship at the core.  Frankly, for me, that gets a bit old.

I think that the YA books are easier to relate to, as well, because just about everyone has been a kid in school, but not everyone is a pastry chef, or a TV anchor, or even a parent that are at the center of the books target at adults.

The first book I would like to review is by an author that was recommended to me by a person I didn’t expect.   Who is it?
Find out next week!

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